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How to Reset Windows 10 Registry using Command Prompt

If Your Windows 10 is not booting Properly or getting BlueDump Error. Then You can fix it using Registry Restore using Windows 10 Recovery Mode.

Follow this Step ๐Ÿ‘‡

Enter The Windows 10 Recovery Menu

You Can Forcefully Turnoff your Computer- 2-3 times to get Repair option

Once you Get Option

  • Click Repair option

  1. Click> Troubleshoot
  2. Click> Advanced Options
  3. Click> Command Prompt
  4. Click on Your Username and Enter Password (Leave Blank if No Password)
  5. Click > OK
  6. Now you have to Identify Windows Drive
  7. Type> C:
  8. Enter
  9. Type> Dir 
  10. Check There is a folder > Programfiles / Users / Windows
  11. if you got the aove folder then continue the following step otherwise Type D: or E: hit enter key and follow the above number (8 / 9 /10)
  12. type>  \windows\system32\config
  13. Enter
  14. Type> MD backup
  15. Enter
  16. Type> copy *.* backup
  17. Enter
  18. Type> CD regback
  19. Enter
  20. Type> a
  21. Enter
  22. You Should get Successfully Copied message on Screen
  23. Type> exit
  24. Close All And Restart Your Computer